How to Negotiate Your Way to Greater Wealth

It can be easy in life to take what you’re given, accepting that what you’re offered is the best you can do. But that’s the wrong approach to follow when you want to build greater wealth.

Learning the art of negotiation can save you a lot of money in the long run, if you consistently do it year after year. By realizing that offers aren’t set in stone, you can save thousands of dollars per year.

Here is how you can do it.

Raises at Work

The workplace is a great arena to utilize your negotiation skills. Even if it pushes you outside of your comfort zone, you should ask your boss for a raise periodically. The worst he’ll do is say no. You have way more to gain than you do to lose.

It can be intimidating to make the walk to his office and ask for more money. But instead of reacting emotionally if he says no, ask what you can do to turn that no into a yes. Would taking on more responsibility get you that raise? Is there any overtime you can work instead of getting a raise?

If you can land a small raise, don’t feel bad about it. Even if it’s just $10 a week, over the course of your lifetime, it will add up to a significant amount.

Satellite Radio

Satellite radio has really taken off in recent years. People are willing to pay extra to have some of their favorite channels and artists available to them while they’re driving to work or taking a road trip.

But if you accept the first offer they give you for a six-month or a year’s subscription, you’re not playing it smart.

Instead of looking at that bill and mindlessly paying it, you should call the number and explain that you’ll have to cancel because you can’t afford to pay that much. They’ll quickly fire off a reduced figure you can pay instead. You might feel pleased and decide to accept that offer. But if you want to pursue even more savings, tell them one more time that even that figure is more than you can afford.

They’ll likely drop it one more time. They’ll still make money and you can enjoy your favorite songs without worrying about what it’s doing to your bottom line.

Cable or DirecTV

Every month you get your statement from your cable provider and every month you think about how many hours you have to work just to pay that bill. Unless you watch a lot of television, it can be disheartening.

Instead of paying that bill, try to fight it. Call your cable provider and tell them you’re thinking about switching companies so you can lock in a lower rate. The cable industry is fiercely competitive and they want to keep your business, especially if you’ve been a long-time customer.

You should be able to get about 25 percent of your bill knocked off for a few months, possibly even up to a year. At the very least, they may offer you a free movie package for a three- or six-month term. And while that might not save you any money, at least you’ll get some free entertainment out of the deal.


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